Now that we have a Democratic president, let's take a look at how the media is reacting.
The first thing is, notice how quickly we've turned from the sacred "the new president deserves to have the team he wants" mantra to "Joe Biden will have the team Republicans let him have"?
Trump could nominate a bunch of boogers from his own nose to cabinet positions (in fact, I'm pretty sure he did) and the media would caution Democrats, "The president is entitled to his team of boogers. Nominees should be confirmed on the basis of their qualifications, not their ideology." (Even though the Republicans voted for every single unqualified nominee Trump put forth.)
Now? The media falls into the same servile position they always show to Republicans. "This nominee might be a sacrifice to the confirmation process..." WTF? Remember the "nominees should be confirmed if they're qualified"?
Now, we certainly know Republicans don't listen to people like us. They don't directly listen to the media, either. BUT they do notice when the media stops cooperating with them, and so we have to train the media not to uphold these double standards by hitting them on the nose with a rolled-up paper every single time. BAD DOG!
Here you go, perfect example. This is such a bullshit story, all ponderance and self-importance, and just like the attacks on Hillary Clinton, damns by virtue that the Times has chosen to highlight this nonsense -- to make up for all the hard-hitting stories they didn't write about Trump, I guess?
And here is the correct kind of response:
Look at John Cornyn's response, unremarked by "serious" journalists:
Oh, the irony!
Got that, kids? Tax returns are suddenly all the rage again!
(And by the way: As you know, I've been the Social Security guard dog and deficit skeptic for almost 20 years. Stop all the handwringing about Neera Tanden -- if I thought she was a threat, I would tell you.)