Fox News and conservative media goes batsh*t crazy at the slightest provocation, whether they find it on social media or an op-ed reeking of what they label cancel culture. It doesn't matter how many people believe it as long as they have a tweet, or a Facebook post they can use as a touchstone to 'own the libs' and abuse it all day long.
Case in point: SF Gate published a glowing piece on Disneyland's new Snow White ride, but at the end they wondered if the ending should have been changed because the handsome Prince needs to give true love's kiss to wake Snow up, but some people say Snow White didn't give her consent. And by some people, I mean two women who wrote the op-ed.
A kiss he gives to her without her consent, while she's asleep, which cannot possibly be true love if only one person knows it's happening.
FIVE ALARM FIRE bells scream to Fox News producers!!! OMG, we have a new meme, yells Lachlan Murdoch.
About the ride, or Snow White in general, this isn't a belief shared by anybody, but as long as FoxQ finds a few people that write something like it -- that means the entire Democratic Party (everyone on the left) believes Disney should rewrite the ending of Snow White.
This is absurd.
Throughout all their daily programs on Fox News, they featured segments and guests bashing the left over this new meme that isn't really a thing but which they are making a thing.
Fox and Friends invited the idiot Senator from Louisiana who claimed all his Democratic friends believe Snow White shouldn't be kissed at all.
"So many of my Democratic friends believe in it,' Sen. Kennedy testified.
The Fox and Friends co-hosts wondered if the Flintstones are next!
"A lot of my Democratic friends support this stuff," Kennedy repeated.
Actually, none of his Democratic friends support this stuff. They might support consent, but they really aren't stretching that to a Disney ride.
This is the absurdity permeating the Republican Party and all its members and minions in the media.
That's all they have.
Poor Mr. Potato Head, Pepe LePew, Dr. Seuss, and now Snow White are left to die because the evil libs hate America.
This is what QAnon, MAGA and conservatives hope that will lead them to the Promised Land in the midterm elections.
They have no agenda, no legislative principles. It's all about owning the libs.