Vogue Magazine did a cover story on Jill Biden.
How dare they, when Melania Trump never got a cover? said the enraged conservative spokesmodels on Fox.
Media bias! They wail. Maybe Vogue's "media bias" is against birthers who plagiarize a Black first lady's convention speech. But I digress.
On Martha McCallum's show, extreme right-wing idiot Treadmill Lobotomy Tomi Lahren proclaimed "liberal bias" once again because "Melania Trump is a very beautiful woman" and was excluded from their cover.
"It's not like I would expect they would put Melania or any other female conservative on the cover of any of these trash magazines, we don't expect that and quite honestly we don't care," Lahren said.
"Clearly you care," Marie Harf said.
Lahren then went on a rant about feminism and said it's only for liberals.
Fox News host MacCallum claimed that was a "very interesting point."
Marie Harf jumped in and said, "Clearly we care because we're talking about it so let's not pretend like nobody cares -- controversy all day.."
The Fox News host immediately started interrupting and talking over Harf which is what most of the Fox News hosts do to their center-left guests.
Harf was finally allowed to speak momentarily and said, "Vogue has done many features on conservative women."
Harf started listing the horrific Trump "comments on women, about minorities, about immigrants," McCallum interrupted her so that she couldn't make her point.
Being a former model doesn't guarantee you anything. But in the world of Republican Trump politics it gets you ogling eyes and fantasies. And a pre-nup. Especially when your husband admitted to being a serial sexual predator.
Who can forget how her despicable guy released nude photos of Melania to the New York Post during the 2016 election?
Let's face it, Melania Trump abdicated her role as First Lady (FLOTUS) in her time at the White House.
What does 'Be Best' even mean? She isn't known for helping to feed the hungry, supplying fresh water to African nations, trying to stop obesity among our children, but she did go full Red Wedding and Handmaid's Tale on Christmas trees at the White House.

She didn't care about representing average Americans. But she sure gave a big damn about the cover of Vogue.