Editorial Calls For Investigation Of Cruz And Hawley
Credit: CSpan screenshot h/t Raw Story
November 29, 2021

The editorial board of one of the largest papers in Missouri called for the investigation of Senator Josh Hawley and Texas Senator Ted Cruz over their illicit actions during the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

Cruz and Hawley were the only two Senators to object to the election results. Both Senators did this even after the Capitol was ransacked by seditious Trump supporters.

Hawley was the one who objected first to certification which then whipped up the mob and forced a floor vote.

The editorial does not hold back:

Jan. 6 wasn’t a fantasy; it was real, and the culpability of these two senators must be determined.

Hawley and Cruz were the only two senators to object to certification of Joe Biden’s clear victory in the 2020 election results, citing (with zero evidence) supposed concerns about the election’s integrity. That was the same baseless, toxic nonsense then-President Donald Trump had been spewing since before the election. Such talk whipped up the mob of Trump loyalists to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Both Senators are now claiming they are the victims and make-believe they were doing their elected duty, but we know it was to gain political capital from the sickest citizens in this country.

And it was those sick people that assaulted the hub of US democracy.

Hawley and Cruz have the right to defend themselves from the allegations — but so far, they haven’t even had to. The Ethics Committee should stop sitting on this.

It's high time the U.S. Senate Ethics Panel subpoenas these creeps.

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