Dinesh D'Souza told Fox News' Laura Ingraham that the real truth behind the insurrection was that police were the real perpetrators of violence against unarmed Trump supporters.
D'Souza, speaking with marbles in his mouth, said the government has been reluctant to reveal the granular truth. No other footage matters to D'Souza except for what transpired in the tunnel on January 6..
"You now begin to see these cops using massive amounts of force against unarmed Trump supporters, including women," D'Souza claimed.
In his warped view it wasn't the Trump supporters who stormed the center of American democracy who were at fault, hunting Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, but the cops trying to repel the insurrectionists. They're the real villains.
D'Souza then tried to claim the death of Roseann Boyland "is now being called into question. Was she the second Trump supporter that was killed by the authorities?" This is a long-standing right wing conspiracy theory. Ayman Mohyeldin's podcast, American Radical, investigating this is worth a listen to see how wingers twisted the narrative to hang her death on the police.
Colby Hall writes, "Video shows Boyland being trampled to death by fellow Trump supporters."
Trying to rewrite the treasonous events perpetrated by Trump and his supporters at the US Capitol on January 6 is the former felon's primary objective.