January 25, 2022

Via NPR, a special grand jury will be convened in Georgia to look into Trump's infamous attempt to rig the state's election totals:

The Superior Court of Fulton County in Georgia has granted a request by the local district attorney to impanel a special grand jury for the DA's investigation into former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election in the state.

Last week, Fulton DA Fani Willis requested the special grand jury, which has subpoena power and the authority to obtain documents. Willis said several witnesses or potential witnesses — including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — have refused to cooperate with the probe absent a subpoena.

A special grand jury is also devoted to just one case. In its response Monday, the court said the special grand jury would begin on May 2 and continue for up to 12 months.

This grand jury is a real threat to Trump. They have the audio, they have subpoena power, and the Cheeto is probably soiling himself as this grand jury kicks off. It's slated to start in May, mostly because courts are having trouble seating jurors during the pandemic.

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