Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon called Fox News "TV for stupid people" on Thursday after the network began to take a hard line against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
March 17, 2022

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon called Fox News "TV for stupid people" on Thursday after the network began to take a hard line against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Bannon opened his War Room: Pandemic program on Thursday by praising Fox News host Jesse Watters, who he said was on the "side of the angels" like Tucker Carlson because both men have spoken out against aiding Ukraine.

"The biggest development overnight was Jesse Watters is now on the side of the angels with Tucker Carlson, the War Room,," the conservative broadcast said. "Jesse has done an incredible job and is obviously following the great Tucker Carlson so Fox now has two -- Fox, which is the home of stupid TV or TV for stupid people -- and if you watch it, hey, sorry. It's just all day long ridiculous."

Before ending the segment, Bannon praised Watters and Carlson again.

"They've got a power block now on Fox: Watters and Tucker back-to-back," he said. "It's going to be very important. That's a pivot point. That's an intellectual center, right there, of gravity."

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