The former Secretary of Defense for the Trump administration told Fox News, he hopes Trump doesn't run for the presidency because his actions endangered the country.
May 10, 2022

Trump's former Secretary of Defense told Fox News host Bret Baier, that he believes Donald Trump was a threat to US democracy and should not run for president in 2024.

Esper is running the media gauntlet to promote his new book, "A Sacred Oath," and he picked Special Report to appear on Fox News.

In the interview, Mark Esper explained that he wrote this book to tell the world what happened during one of the most consequential and tumultuous times in our history.

Baier asked why he didn't resign, like so many others had from the Trump administration? He said he believed he had a duty to the country.

Towards the end of the interview, Baier asked, "Do you think Donald Trump was a threat to democracy?"

Esper replied, "I think that given the events of January 6th, given how he has undermined the election results...He incited people to come to D.C....stirred them that morning, and failed to call them off. To me, that threatens our democracy.”

Baier, “So, yes?”

Esper said, “I think the answer -- what else can you conclude, Bret?”

Esper said he hoped Trump doesn't run again.

And so do we all.

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