August 2, 2022

Georgia has just become one of the first states to recognize an embryo as a dependent on a state tax return. So, ladies and girls, it's OK if you were raped and forced to have the baby because you can claim an exemption of $3,000 when there is a "detectable human heartbeat." See, all is good now! Aren't you glad you can carry your rapist's baby now? And you thought you didn't want it. Imagine that.

Via The Daily Beast:

In a press release issued Monday, the department confirmed that in light of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, along with the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals upholding Georgia's "heartbeat" abortion law, "the department will recognize any unborn child with a detectable human heartbeat… as eligible for the Georgia individual income tax dependent exemption." Now, the department says, "on individual income tax returns filed for cTax Year 2022 where, at any time on or after July 20, 2022, and through December 31, 2022, a taxpayer has an unborn child (or children) with a detectable human heartbeat (which may occur as early as six weeks' gestation), the taxpayer may claim a dependent personal exemption… in the amount of $3000 for each unborn child."

Via Fox 5 Atlanta:

The bill also deals with alimony, child support, and even income-tax deductions for fetuses, declaring that "the full value of a child begins at the point when a detectable human heartbeat exists."

Well, that should get interesting since West Virginia State Delegate Chris Pritt (R) argued that child support should end because he somehow thinks it leads to more abortions. And can we please stop calling embryos "unborn children"?

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