This morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Republican pollster Frank Luntz issued dire warnings as a new Yahoo/YouGov poll showed 43% of Republican Trump voters believe a candidate should not concede after losing an election.
The poll shows only 38% of Trump voters said a candidate should continue to challenge the election results while 18% aren't sure what to do.
That makes only 44% of Republicans who believe elections are valid.
In essence, 43% of Republicans will only accept election results if their preferred candidate wins.

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asked Luntz, who is in the UK speaking with students, what he thought after seeing these results.
"Scary as hell," Luntz replied.
"I'm here at the Conservative Party Conference trying to say to them, be very careful what you wish for, be very careful of what kind of campaign you hold because you could end up like the U.S."
"When you lose faith and trust in elections itself, you’ve lost your democracy, And we are so close to the edge," Luntz warned.
(Luntz should have clarified his "you" remarks and said it's Republicans that are losing our democracy.)
"I have to explain to them this isn't how democracy is supposed to work. That you have winners and losers. You accept the loss, and then you move on," he said.
"We are so poisoned, we are so toxic, and I don't want what's going on in the US to happen here in the UK. That would be a real tragedy," Luntz said.
This is the outcome when you have Trump, a sitting US president who tried to overthrow a free and fair election when he clearly lost by a huge margin.
Instead of acting responsibly, Trump had his people take illegal actions to name him to a second term. Trump went so far as inciting an insurrection at the US Capitol while trying to force his own vice president (Mike Pence) to refuse to seat electoral college votes and unceremoniously name Trump as president.
What started out as a dirty attempt at a political coup, has now morphed into an attack on US democracy itself, by a cult of narcissism led by a traitor.