November 24, 2022

NBC Reporter Ben Collins told Morning Joe that journalists have to become braver and hold accountable right-wing purveyors of hate after the Club Q massacre in Colorado.

After setting up the horrific story in Colorado Springs, Collins got down to brass tacks.

"I think we have to have a come-to-Jesus moment here as reporters. Are we more afraid of being on Breitbart for saying that trans people deserve to be alive, or are we more afraid of the dead people?” Collins said.

MAGA has successfully, up to this point threatened Beltway journalists and Republicans not in the Trump/evangelical cult from speaking out forcefully against the hatred and criminality being preached in Trump's name.

“I’m more afraid of the dead people. I don’t want to wake up on a Sunday and see all of these headlines came to fruition.”

Wake up, media! How many more deaths will it take?

“We have been through this in the past. It’s very dark, and the people playing around with this don’t take responsibility. They go right back into it,” he sighed.

Collins and the MJ crew discussed these very important issues at length.

“These people are being used as props right now, they're being used as props, explicitly for electoral or monetary purpose,” Collins said. "Right now, the fact that 12 hours, 24 hours after a shooting, there is no inward reflection here, it’s just, you know, continue to use these people as props, continue to use the grief of these people as props."

It's obvious to any credible journalist or normal person that the LGBTQ community is being used for right-wing political power and cash rewards because if it wasn't paying off in some way, the scumbag DeSantis wing of the GOP wouldn't be doing it.

Murder doesn't matter to these right-wing haters. Power does.

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