February 15, 2023

Speaking at a Truck dealership in Jacksonville today, Gov. DeSantis claimed that the removal of a book about Hall of Fame baseball player Roberto Clemente, was a false flag operation by the school unions for political purposes.

A reporter asked the Florida Gov. about the review policy and why Roberto Clemente's children's book has been kept off the shelf for months, waiting for it to be reviewed by his education department.

This angered the former Freedom Caucus member.

"That's politics, though. To be honest with you. C'mon. I mean, we know. Roberto Clemente? I mean, seriously. That's politics," DeSantis screamed. "I think the school unions are involved with this."

The Florida governor said it would only take two minutes to decide the outcome of the Clemente book.

DeSantis call this whole thing a joke.

"I think they're [unions] doing it unilaterally to try and create an issue," he said..

Clemente died with four other people while delivering aid to the people of Nicaragua on December 31, 1972, and indeed, it does discuss racism.

As usual with no proof, Ron DeSantis is claiming a false flag operation by the school unions to create controversy over his personal culture war lunacy that has extended to book banning.

And baseball seems to be big for banning.

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