March 27, 2023

In a very funny monologue on The Daily Show, guest host Al Franken began by sending up the TikTok hearings in Congress. That included wickedly spot-on impressions of Sens. Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and Susan Collins.

Then it was on to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plan to expand his “Don’t Say Gay” law to all Florida students through high school.

But Franken revealed a workaround: “Luckily, though, it doesn’t say you can’t sing about being gay,” he said, before breaking into a pertinent ditty.

Franken continued by wishing Florida teens good luck. “I think you’ll really enjoy reading classics like, “Moby Large Whale With No Subtext Whatsoever,” he added.

After that, Franken moved on to a funny bit about the DNA sample from Beethoven’s hair.


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