March 26, 2023

A woman spoke with Real America's Voice hosts Ed Henry and Karyn Turk at an event at Paulie's Oaks in Wildwood, Florida, about 12 minutes from The Villages. That was before they went to The Villages to speak with protesters waving flags along the road "for freedom."

The woman read an email that she sent to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, where she referred to the scandal-plagued one term President as "our precious, precious President, Donald J. Trump." Then she compared him to Jesus Christ, saying that the one-term president is being "tortured" and "persecuted."

Turk said, "Keeping it classy and telling the truth!"

Meanwhile, at The Villages:

They want "freedom" but aren't specific about which freedoms have been taken from them.

And, of course, attention-seeker Laura Loomer was there:

The Villages was the epicenter of a small outbreak of voter fraud in the 2020 election. The massive retirement community is also known as the STD Capital of America. Just wanted to throw that in here.

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