April 3, 2023

On Fox News Sunday, former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr said Trump was too undisciplined and unpredictable to testify on his own behalf.

Barr said the case Trump should worry about the most is the Mar -A-Largo documents case.

Barr defended the Justice Department, claiming they did not target Trump, but instead just wanted the top secret documents back.

"The issue on that one is not the taking of the documents. It's what he did afterwards," Barr said.

How any former prosecutor, AG, or lawyer gives a valid opinion on either Georgia or the Manhattan case without actually seeing the indictments is very troubling.

Host Shannon Bream wondered if Trump would ever take the stand.

"I'm thinking if it goes to trial, he's going to want to defend himself," Bream said.

"I'm not his lawyer. Generally, I think it's a bad idea to go on the stand, and I think it's a particularly bad idea for Trump because he lacks all self-control," Barr said. "It would be very difficult to prepare him and keep him testifying in a prudent fashion."

I believe there is no way Trump would willingly go on the stand in any of these cases. The former guy has been in the crosshairs of law enforcement for decades.

Unless he believes a sh*t show will work to his advantage, he will sit there, smug and arrogant.

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