Capitol Rioter In Pink Beret ID'd By Ex-Boyfriend
Credit: FBI
May 7, 2023

A viral tweet displaying the FBI's "most wanted" captured the attention of a fashion designer in Los Angeles. It was his ex-girlfriend. "I stopped dead in my tracks," the designer, who asked not to be named to avoid harassment and threats, explained in an interview with NBC News. "I'm like, 'That's Jenny.'"

They dated about four years ago, but he broke up with Jennifer Inzuza Vargas when he learned she was reading Hitler's 1925 manifesto, Mein Kampf.

That's what you call a massive red flag.

"I was just instantly turned off, like, 'Yo, I don't think this is going to work out,'" he said. "You're, like, reading 'Mein Kampf,' you think immigrants don't deserve X, Y, Z."

Via NBC News:

They kept in touch, occasionally exchanging messages even though their interests diverged. "She's super into politics, and I didn't know anything besides the fact that Trump lost," the designer said. But he knew she was in Washington on January 6 and did some research. He even asked her if she was on the "no fly" list in a message he wrote to her a few days after the attack, on January 10, 2021, which he shared with NBC News.

"Nope, cause I didn't go into the [Capitol]," she wrote, despite extensive video evidence later viewed by NBC News that does appear to show her inside the building.

"But you still crossed state lines to riot," he replied.

"I was there to support the president. Not to partake in that riot. I support the police," Vargas responded.

The feds and online sleuths have been looking for her for a while. Her ex tipped them off.

Kira West, an attorney for January 6 defendant Darrell Neely, has questioned the government about Pink Beret, who is seen on video holding hands with Neely inside the Capitol. West wrote in a memo this year that it was "hard to believe the government doesn't know who she is and even harder to understand why they haven't charged her with crimes like everyone else."

West, in a filing in February, wrote that "Mr. Neely's entry into the Capitol was directed by Pink Beret. Mr. Neely needs to know who she is and why she was there. He also needs to understand if he was targeted by her that day and for what purpose."

Pink Beret was "central to Mr. Neely's defense," and the court should allow a "robust cross examination of government witnesses about Pink Beret girl, her possible connection to law enforcement, and her role in the events of January 6, 2021," West wrote.

“It’s just going to be one of those things for me," the clothing designer said. "I dated this girl that was on the FBI’s most wanted list.”

Foiled AGAIN!

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