July 6, 2023

There seems to be a little confusion as to why Donnie Dipshit Jr. cancelled his speaking engagement in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane between July 9 and 11 as part of a Trump Live tour. Turning Point Australia's organizers blamed a visa delay for Junior's cancellation.

However, according to Reuters, Australian Home Minister Clare O'Neil on Thursday called Donald Trump Jr. a "big baby" and added that poor ticket sales were the reason that he called off his visit,

"Geez, Donald Trump Jr is a bit of a sore loser," she said in a series of posts on Twitter that were deleted later.

"Donald Trump Jr has been given a visa to come to Australia," she tweeted. "He didn't get canceled. He's just a big baby who isn't very popular."

Albanese corrected Junior's claim about being blocked from entering Australia.

"Donald Trump Jr's visa was dealt with in the normal way. Like anyone else, he was entitled to come here," she added. "The deferral of his travel is a matter for him."

Junior seems to have the same narcissistic traits as his father and cannot accept defeat or criticism, such as not being popular enough to fill a venue to hear his coke-addled brain (alleged!) try to form words at a podium.

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