August 15, 2023

Kimberly Guilfoyle must have taken some time out from offering donors lapdances to weigh in on former President Donald Trump's latest indictment which included RICO charges.

Trump doesn't like being compared to mob boss John Gotti who earned the name Teflon Don after getting out of charges for years. And Gotti was acquitted because he tampered with the jury and because of witness intimidation.

But Kim went there and compared Trump's case to Gotti's.

"This is absolutely ridiculous. I mean, John Gotti...OK, can you imagine RICO?" she said. "OK. Violations. John Gotti never even had four indictments at once. There is no mob boss, let alone they use this to President Trump."

Saying Trump is charged with more crimes than a mob boss is not helping her boyfriend's father.

I know she appears to be talking in Turnip, but I did transcribe that precisely as she said it.

Twitter had a little fun with this.

I'll leave you with this:

H/T: @Arupar

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