August 1, 2023

Leigh McGowan, aka Politics Girl, plays the election cheerleader in the sense that she is arguing that people shouldn't dismiss their voice because they think they are just a blue dot in a red state or that their vote doesn't count. She cites Florida as an example, which is, in my opinion, a bad choice. She should have chose Wisconsin. Despite extreme gerrymandering and every kind of voter suppression you can imagine, Wisconsin voters kept turning out for every election and we started winning. Yes, both houses of the legislature is still under Republican control, due to the gerrymandering. However, the Democrats now hold almost every statewide seat. Most importantly, by the time you are reading this the Wisconsin Supreme Court will have a liberal leaning for the first time in 15 years. Now the gerrymandered maps can be revisited. Reproductive rights can be revisited. Workers rights can be revisited. All because we didn't give up. We knew that when we vote, we win.

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