September 3, 2023

Elected officials are supposed to put petty partisan politics aside during natural disasters, but some aren't capable of that. After a storm hit Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis met with President Joe Biden a couple of years ago, but he refuses to meet with him this time. Maybe he thinks it would hurt his chances of winning the keys to the White House (LOL).

According to Reuters, President Biden told reporters on Friday he would see DeSantis during the trip. Still, the Florida Governor's spokesman, Jeremy Redfern, said no meeting was planned and "the security preparations alone that would go into setting up such a meeting would shut down ongoing recovery efforts."

I don't think Biden is buying that. I don't think anyone is.

"Do you have a message for Governor DeSantis today?" a reporter asked the President.

"I don't think he's going to be there," he said.

"Do you have a message for him?" the reporter asked.

"We're going to take care of Florida," Biden said.

"Do you agree with him that the security apparatus is strong enough?" a reporter asked about DeSantis's claim.

"Do you?" Biden said with a slight smile on his face.

Twitter users weighed in.

More presidenting from Biden:

And more:

Now, let's compare Biden's response to a crisis to this other guy's:

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