September 19, 2023

Trump has of course denied wrongdoing after a report yesterday said that one of his long-time assistants told feds he repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on White House documents marked classified. Via Reuters:

The aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that more than once she got requests or tasks from Trump written on the back of notecards that she later recognized as sensitive White House materials, ABC News reported on Monday, citing sources.

The notecards had visible classification markings used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international matters, the news outlet said.

Michael became Trump's executive assistant in the White House in 2018 and continued to work for him when he left office. She resigned last year in the wake of Trump's alleged refusal to comply with federal requests, ABC News said.

In the original story, Michael reportedly told the feds that before her interview with investigatoes, Trump told her, "You don't know anything about the boxes." An unidentified Trump spokesperson dismissed the report as "illegal leaks" and denied Trump did anything wrong. So it's all just a big misunderstanding!

Either that, or yet another felony count of obstruction.

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