At this point, it seems obvious that Gabrielle Hanson is going for that all-important Nazi vote in Franklin, TN's mayoral race. "[Sean] Kauffmann has been described by the Stop Antisemitism watchdog group as "a disturbed neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier with a documented history of violence and a massive cache of firearms."'
Source: WTVF
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WTVF) — A photo posted Tuesday on the Telegram social media app shows controversial Franklin mayoral candidate Gabrielle Hanson posing with a self-proclaimed neo-Nazi in conjunction with a recorded interview about the controversy.
Hanson, who has refused to dissociate herself from the white supremacists who recently showed up at a candidates forum in support of her campaign, is shown sitting next to Sean Kauffmann, head of the Tennessee Active Club.
In the photo, Kauffman is wearing a "Reject Poison, Embrace Struggle" T-shirt commonly associated with another white supremacist group, the Patriot Front.
Then, when the video was finally posted late Wednesday, the interview was conducted by Hanson supporter Valerie Baldes, giving Kauffmann a chance to expound upon his world view, claiming he's only battling "Antifa."
More on Sean Kauffman here at the Stop Antisemitism website.

As always, Phil Williams with the reporting.
UPDATE: Gabrielle Hanson has finally seen enough of Phil Williams.