January 1, 2024

Kate Cox followed the law. When she found out her fetus could not survive and that giving birth would endanger her future fertility, she went to a judge seeking an exemption from Texas’ strict abortion restrictions. The judge granted her request and granted protection to an OB/GYN for performing the procedure.

But Paxton, who is supposed to be upholding the law, not persecuting people for following it, threatened to prosecute any doctor or hospital that carried out Cox’s abortion. Then he got the Texas Supreme Court to block the ruling. Fortunately, Cox had the means to have the procedure done out of state.

But wait, there's more. Paxon has been charged with securities fraud, is under FBI investigation for corruption and he faces a bar disciplinary for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election. He was also impeached by Texas’ Republican House of Representatives, though acquitted by the Senate. He retaliated by saying he plans to sue the impeachment managers.

And now he’s doing a solid for Elon Musk by investigating Media Matters for daring to report factually on how Musk’s Xitter site has monetized extremism by placing name brand ads next to white nationalist posts. Media Matters is suing Paxton for trying to squelch its free speech rights.

Paxton’s securities fraud trial, which he has successfully delayed for eight years, is set for April 15. The only place I’d be glad to see him is in prison.


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