December 21, 2023

Everybody and their uncle has something to say about the Colorado Supreme Court ruling that bans Trump from the ballot in that state. But while most of his Republican colleagues are trying to claim that the Constitution is unconstitutional, Boots DeSantis has a much more peculiar interpretation of the ruling. He's saying it's a Democratic plot to keep him from being the Republican nominee for president:

"Here's the larger thing of what the left and the media and the Democrats are doing: They're doing all this stuff to basically solidify support in the primary for him, get him in the general, and the whole general election is going to be all this legal stuff," DeSantis whined. "And look, it's unfair. They're abusing power 100 per cent. But the question is is that going to work? I think they have a playbook that unfortunately will work. And it will give Biden or the Democrat or whomever the ability to skate through this thing. That's their plan. That's what they want."

He added, "What they don't want is to have someone like me, who will make the election not about all those other issues but will make the election about the failings of Biden."

Did you get all that? The Democrats are out to get Trump, who leads in the Republican polling, to get people to rally to him during the primary, just to keep Ol' Pudding Fingers from being the nominee because they are so scared of him.

Note to DeSantis, outside of the deranged Orange-Faced Man, no one would even be talking about you except for all the stupid shit you keep insist on saying and doing. Your race is already over. You're just too stupid to know it.

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