What We Needed To Properly End 2023
Credit: Screencap
December 31, 2023

Well, here we are. Christmas is barely a blip in our rearview mirror and we are finally facing the end of 2023. And I think we can all agree that, for the most part, 2023 was for the birds. Inflation, price gouging, the war in Ukraine, the holy hot mess in Gaza, and the ongoing implosion of TFG and his acolytes and followers. So what better way to end 2023 than a review of 2023 through interpretive dance. Or the Funky Chicken. Whatever.

We wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year.

Open new year thread below...

PS: If anyone tries to recreate this video, especially after a few new year's drinkis, please, oh please, share the video!

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