A huge fire has destroyed a large warehouse outside St Petersburg used by Wildberries, the online retailer known as “Russia’s Amazon."
January 14, 2024

A few days before the fire authorities were rounding up migrants at the huge complex to go serve in Ukraine. Cause of the fire is unknown but arson is suspected. The sprawling complex was over 100,000 sq/m or 25 acres.

Source: The Telegraph

A huge fire has destroyed a large warehouse outside St Petersburg used by Wildberries, the online retailer known as “Russia’s Amazon”.

Up to 1,600 people were working in the building when it caught alight early on Saturday morning, reports said.

There were no casualties, but the Tass news agency reported that many workers had to run for their lives because fire alarms had reportedly been turned off.

Video showed dozens of people fleeing down fire escapes. In one video, shot inside the warehouse, flames engulf rows of shelves as people run away.

“The roof is falling in! Get out! Get out quickly!” a man can be heard shouting in the video. No alarm sounds in the footage.

Video shot from a passenger jet flying overhead shows flames gutting the warehouse, which was roughly the size of 10 football pitches, and thick black smoke billowing into the sky.

Some Twitter reactions.

Russia being Russia, workers were strip-searched after every shift. Even with the fire, security checked workers before they were allowed to leave, necessitating some to jump from windows to escape the blaze.

And a video smuggled out from the same facility last year, strip searches after work.

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