Way to go, Hunter Biden.
During a "House Committee to Lie About Hunter Biden" hearing, in which they were to debate a resolution to find Hunter in contempt of Congress because he would not show up for an interview...
Hunter Biden showed up.
All hell broke loose.
You will remember that, true to form, Republicans on the committee want Hunter Biden to appear before the committee with the cameras OFF so they can go on Newsmax and lie about what he said.
Hunter is having none of that. Cameras on or no dice.
Nancy "I didn't fk my boyfriend so I could attend your stupid prayer breakfast" Mace had a cow and demanded that Hunter Biden be arrested and dragged off to jail for some reason.
Jared "Smurf" (yes, we all own it) Moskowitz sure had fun that day.
Marge's turn to speak and Hunter gets up and leaves and all the cameras follow HIM. I'm laugh crying here.
PS. I called this in 2021: