January 17, 2024

Fox's Laura Ingraham does her best to put a happy face on the Iowa caucus results. There was record low turnout, with only110,000, or just under 15% of the state's 752,000 registered Republicans attending, with 11% overall and 43% of Nikki Haley's voters saying they'd vote for Biden over Trump in the general election, but Ingraham wants to tell us how well this bodes for Trump.

INGRAHAM: Now look, unless something unthinkable happens, Donald Trump is going to be the nominee of the Republican party, and the party is more unified now behind him and his policies than at any time since the Reagan years or maybe, maybe right after 9/11.

Now, this is not spin. It's the truth.

Which means it's spin.

Here are some of the responses from Twitter:

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