February 24, 2024

Never mind that their star impeachment witness just blew up in their face and turned out to be a Russian intelligence asset, Republicans are going to continue with this farce and with playing the same Russia, Russia, Russia game they did after Barr covered up for Trump after the Mueller report was released.

Here's South Carolina GOP Rep. Nancy Mace with Fox Business Network's Maria Bartiromo following the news that Alexander Smirnov was just re-arrested on a new warrant for the exact same charges (and hopefully this time he'll remain in custody.)

MACE: Well, it's clear that Dan Goldman has lost his mind yet again, and the Oversight Committee, we've been doing this investigation, and the FBI told the Oversight Committee that this witness was credible and this witness was trustworthy. Even Jamie Raskin last year said in front of the entire world that he was told this witness was credible. And so this is just another day and another Russia hoax coming out.

BARTIROMO: So, do you believe that he lied, or do you believe that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden accepted $5 million each from Bursima?

MACE: I don't believe anything Joe Biden, or Hunter Biden or James Biden says in this debacle. I do believe that we need to have Smirnov in to testify before the Oversight Committee. We should be asking some of these questions and find out for ourselves what's really going on and quite frankly, I don't trust the DOJ or the FBI. There were millions of dollars that was exchanged from Russia, from Russian oligarchs to the Biden family. Who's investigating that?

So much for being the party of law and order.

Here's more on the re-arrest from MTN: Court Revoked Bond Of GOP Star Witness Over Fears That His Lawyers May Help Him Flee

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