March 1, 2024

While visiting the Southern border, Donald Trump said that people from other countries "don't speak languages." Earlier today on Truth Social, Trumpp said, "Crooked Joe Biden must take a Cognitive Test." It's always projection with this guy. Always. Because they can't admit defeat or failure of any kind, narcissists use projection as a defensive tool. Trump is very good at that.

"Because everybody I speak to says how horrible it is, nobody explained to me how allowing millions of people from places unknown, from countries unknown, who don't speak languages," Lumpy said. "We have languages coming into our country."

"We have nobody that even speaks those languages," he added. "They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them."

Oh, for fuck's sake. How can anyone continue to defend this guy?

Social media users went berserk:

When is Trump's home planet coming back to reclaim him?

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