May 15, 2024

It’s absolutely gobsmacking that the Speaker of the House of Representatives, second in line to the presidency, made an all out assault on our rule of law Tuesday. But nothing gives you a better picture of where the Republican party is these days.

In case you missed it, Super Duper Christian Speaker Mike Johnson, who is from Louisiana, had nothing more important to do than to go to New York and make a show of support to Donald Trump in his criminal trial about covering up his extramarital affairs with a porn star and Playboy model. And coincidentally, send a mob-like message of intimidation to Judge Juan Merchan as he presided over the case. Just what Jesus would have done, I’m sure!

As C&L’s John Amato pointed out, Johnson ridiculously claimed he was just attending the trial to support “a friend.” While he was there, Johnson called the New York trial a “sham” whose real purpose is to keep his favorite p***y grabber “off of the campaign trail.” In other words, Johnson is a willing, if not eager, accomplice in Donald Trump’s attack on our system of justice.

Johnson proved he doesn’t see any reason to abide by the judge’s ruling, either. Judge Merchan has previously issued a gag order barring Trump from talking about witnesses, jurors, attorneys, court staff and their families, as well as Merchan’s grown daughter, because Trump’s attacks endangered his targets.

Apparently, “pro-life” Johnson cares more about Trump’s ability to endanger people who might pose an obstacle to his political ambitions than about the lives of those people. Speaking outside the courtroom, Johnson said, “Among the atrocities here, the judge’s own daughter is making millions of dollars doing online funding for Democrats.”

The judge’s grown daughter has nothing to do with the trial or the case. The real atrocity here is the Speaker of the House attacking her for the sake of fascism.

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