June 17, 2024

Here we go again with soon to be imprisoned felon Steve Bannon making lots of noise about getting even with Trump's political enemies. Bannon is looking more and more unhinged as his date to report to prison gets closer.

As we discussed here, Bannon desperately tried to claim that having his propaganda podcast should keep him out of jail. I don't expect this latest unhinged rant to help him much with his ruling from the appeals court.

Just last week, Bannon was threatening former FBI Director Andrew McCabe along with anyone else in the DOJ and FBI that have crossed Trump by daring to hold him accountable. Now we've got Bannon going after Jack Smith, Lisa Monaco and Merrick Garland, and repeating the same nonsense where he pretends it will be lawful if they do it.

BANNON: We're coming after Lisa Monaco, Merrick Garland, the senior members of DOJ that have prosecuted president Trump, Jack Smith. And this is not about vengeance. This is not about revenge. This is not about retribution. It's about saving this republic.


We are going to use the constitution and the rule of law to go after you and hold you accountable. November 5th is judgment day. January 20th, 2025, is accountability day.

I hate to break it to him, but "accountability day" is going to be July 1st for him, and it can't get here fast enough.

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