June 20, 2024

In an interview on MSNBC, Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed working for manic Trump during the pandemic and explained why the convicted felon focused on bogus cures promoted by Fox News hosts, like Hydroxychloroquine.

Trump refused to listen to the truth about COVID-19 because it hurt his presidency, so he used Dr. Fauci as a piñata, which eventually turned him into MAGA enemy #1.

I mean, he, again, I believe he wanted so badly for this to go away the way influenza goes away.

And when he saw it was not going away, then he was hoping for some magical solution.

And he even used those words, it's going to go away like magic.

And then when that didn't work, then we had to have these miracle cures like hydroxychloroquine, which he got from Laura Ingraham on Fox News.

And then after that, he would bring in somebody like Scott Atlas, who would tell him what he wanted to hear.

Ditiching qualified medical professionals for a snake oil cure from MAGA-loving broadcasters shows the depravity of the baby/man.

Dr. Fauci proves again why diminished Donald is not qualified to ever get back into public office.

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