June 14, 2024

Senator Ron Johnson (Q-Moscow) has a new concern regarding the investigation into the January 6 insurrection. He is worried that the FBI is doing SWAT raids on "grandmas and grandpas" who just happened to be near the Capitol:

The lawmaker appeared on Fox Business fuming over federal authorities prowling for January 6 rioters — claiming "grandmas and grandmas" are enduring SWAT treatment.

"We've had this massive dragnet, this massive manhunt for grandmas and grandpas that show up on January 6, never enter the Capitol, just happened to be in Washington, D.C. D.C. — they are taking agents, SWAT raids to arrest people that are no threat to them whatsoever."

RoJo then went on to accuse the FBI of being hyper partisan and especially targeted Christopher Wray.

Obviously, RoJo is having a nervous breakdown as the investigation into January 6 continues to pin him down to the fake electors scheme. It's only a matter of time before he starts complaining again that the FBI set him up.

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