June 12, 2024

Lauren Boebert's a clown. An embarrassment. Someone who in a functioning political party, not to mention, democracy, would get nowhere near the halls of power.

If it's not X-rated viewing of "Beetlejuice," it's a (now ex) husband threatening the neighbors. Or it's Boebert posing with her family pose holding assault rifles like a Manson Family Christmas Card. You can sense her weakness in her GOP primary, and this past week may have been her Waterloo.

Both debate moderator Kyle Clark--a Denver tv reporter who could teach most DC journalists what the words means--and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg have tired of Boebert taking credit for job-creating Biden Administraiton projects in her district she voted against.

And, oh my, did they both taunt and rip her for her serial lies. It was so good, we made a video about it! You're gonna love it! Check it out and SUBSCRIBE to Cliff's Edge for more content like this!

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