June 11, 2024

We're not expecting Donald Trump to say much about Hunter Biden's guilty verdict on all counts, mainly because this is bad for the former President, who was found guilty on all 34 counts in his hush money/election interference case. Our legal system works, and the Justice Department can no longer be accused of being weaponized against one party. Of course, that won't stop Trump supporters from unleashing conspiracy theories, even though the Justice Department under Biden went after the sitting President's son.

Some of the reactions would be funny if we weren't talking about people who vote.

No one is above the law, you pinhead.

I am now convinced to not vote for Hunter. I don't want a convicted felon leading the free world.

He's almost got it. Trump should be treated just like the rest of us. The former President is a civilian now.

We are surrounded by idiots. Oh, look, here's one now:

President Joe Biden did not attack the judge, the jury, or the legal system. That's how it's supposed to work. We don't burn it all down for one man who claims the world is unfair to him.

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