July 28, 2024

'Fox News Sunday' anchor Shannon Bream's interview with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg didn't work out well for the network. Buttigieg politely hammered several GOP talking points like he was swatting down flies.

Secretary Buttigieg spoke of the bipartisan border deal that Trump killed by ordering Republicans to vote it down. The felon didn't want to give President Joe Biden a win. Then he spoke about crime, which anyone with access to Google knows that crime has gone down under Biden.

"Now, I don't know how often that gets reported on this network," Buttigieg said. "So if you're watching this at home, do yourself a favor and look up the data."

"So, if you look this up at home, you will know that crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump, and I think the violent crime for sure," he continued. "So, I think the really important thing to ask is why would America want to go back to the higher crime that we experienced under Donald Trump?"

Poor Shannon Bream. I'm not sure why Fox keeps inviting Buttigieg on their shows. It never goes down well for them.

Trump has admitted to killing the border deal:

And more from Buttigieg today:

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