Donald Trump pretended Elon Musk is an expert at foreign and domestic government spending in the US to support his attack on the offices of USAID.
Trump's moronic response also tried to assure everyone that his administration knows what they are doing.
They are as fucking clueless as they were a few days ago when they sent out a memo halting all funding that almost crashed the country.
Oh, and Demented Donald lied about the phony $50 million condom purchase for Gaza because that's all the idiot knows how to do.
During a press gaggle, a haggard-looking Trump (only on the job for 12 days) was asked about Musk's raid on USAID.
Q: Why is it important for young people to have access to the payment systems at Treasury?
TRUMP: Well, he's got access only to letting people go that he thinks are no good, if we agree with him. And it's only if we agree with him.
He's a very talented guy from the standpoint of management and costs.
And we put him in charge of seeing what he can do with certain groups and certain numbers.
The numbers, some of the numbers are horrible, what he's found 100, think of it $100 million on condoms to Hamas, condoms to Hamas, and many other things that are frankly, even more ridiculous.
Hating a country (Musk hates too many to count) that is receiving aid is not finding waste.
And they're finding tremendous waste, really waste more than anything else, I think you could say, probably fraud and abuse can be added to it, the more standard waste, fraud and abuse.
But they're finding tremendous amounts of really bad things, bad spending.
Even reading about you've been writing about some of it, frankly, and some of the things that they've been doing is just terrible.
Musk has no idea what he's looking at how the spending helps nations and our relationships, and how his actions cause pain.
Now comes a BIG lie,
Leon, Elon can't do and won't do anything without our approval.
And we'll give him the approval where appropriate, where not appropriate, we won't.But he reports in and he it's it's something that he feels very strongly about.
And I'm impressed because he's running, obviously, a big company has nothing to do if there's a conflict that we won't let him get near it.
But he does have a good natural instinct.
He's got a team of very talented people, we're trying to shrink government, and he can probably shrink it as well as anybody else, if not better, where we think there's a conflict or there's a problem, we won't let him go near it.
But he has some very good ideas that we have a lot of very other talented people also will bring in and the most talented people in the world, by the way.
What a joke!
Musk does what he wants. I doubt Trump ever read one of his Executive orders., He tells his minions what they want, and then he signs it.
He destroyed Twitter, pissing away billions on his own ego.
What purpose does it serve to "shrink" the government? Having an unelected and clueless billionaire run roughshod over the government is outrageous and dangerous and likely illegal.