July 27, 2024

On Tuesday night, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told CNN that the convicted felon Donald Trump was clearly “afraid” to debate Vice President Kamala Harris. Asked to elaborate, Buttigieg explained that there were two sets of facts that a Harris-vs.-Trump debate would highlight; and both of them are bad news for the GOP.

“The contrast, the way, as she laid out very powerfully, she, as a prosecutor who has defended people from people like Donald Trump, is going to remind everybody about that record,” Buttigieg told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. "She's going to be, I think, very effective in reminding Americans that on issue after issue … they already agree with her and Democrats.”

“Americans agree with Democrats and disagree with Donald Trump on taxes and his agenda of tax cuts for the rich,” he continued. “They agree with Kamala Harris, Democrats, and you disagree with Donald Trump on his removal of the right to choose in this country. And, you know, gun violence, marriage—you can go on down the list. I think she's very well positioned to remind Americans of that fact.”

The only person happy about Harris’ candidacy right now is probably Sen. JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, who can now breathe a sigh of relief that he will not be asked to debate the vice president.

Republished with permission from Daily Kos.

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