July 29, 2024

Disgraced former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy turned to Fox News blowhard Mark Levin to criticize Kamala Harris. He came up short, just like his entire Speakership.

After being ousted by MAGA's great forehead, Matt Gaetz, McCarthy quit instead of fighting to regain his reputation. Lucky for him, he doesn't need a reputation to be on Fox News.

"Let me tell you this. When she got elected to the US Senate, I was the Majority Leader," McCarthy said. "I reached out to meet with her. Not once would she meet with me."

Poor baby. How long were you the fearless leader of the MAGA cult? McCarthy's speakership lasted only 269 days; it was the shortest Speaker reign in more than 140 years.

"If I talked to the Democrats inside the California delegation, they didn’t care for her because she would not meet," McCarthy whined. .

Ouch. What an attack.

Dumpy Levin wants the press to interview Harris' former staffers for some dirt.

Oh sure, THAT will undermine her candidacy.

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