July 19, 2024

Meet Diane Hendricks from Janesville, Wisconsin. Per the RNC, Hendricks is just an "everyday American," like you or me:

But it is safe to say that Hendricks is nothing at all like you or me. She has a net worth of nearly $21 billion and is ranked as the 92nd wealthiest person in the world.

Hendricks spoke at the RNC convention on Thursday night and said that she is living proof that the American Dream is real. Apparently, the American Dream is marrying a man who built a home builder supply chain and then taking over the company after he died. But then she started laying it on thick:

"We risked everything we had to start that company. Today, ABC supply employs over 22,000 Americans," she said. "We are the largest grouping distributor in the country. But what's even more important is we are creating these jobs right here in the United States of America."

ABC Supply currently has 694 locations across the U.S. and Canada, according to its website. Hendricks also owns a real estate development firm and a holding company with stakes in 18 businesses, Forbes reported in 2022.

What she forgot to mention that she gave tons of money to former Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, urging him to pass Right to Work laws so that she could exercise her right to exploit her American workers.

She also forgot to mention that she gave millions of dollars to Felon Trump and Senator Ron Johnson but made that back many times over with the 2017 GOP tax scam.

She seemed to also omit the fact that she had actually worked for the Trump campaign in 2016, serving on his fundraising committee.

Well, we often hear that when people get up their in age, like Hendricks or Trump, it's easy to forget things. But then again, it's also breathtaking when one considers that the GOP will lie about everything, like what an everyday American is like.

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