July 23, 2024

Trump and Vance joined Fox News host Jesse Watters in a joint interview and after a few seconds you can tell how uncomfortable they are with each other, like two teens forced to go to the prom together.

TRUMP: We've always had a good chemistry and originally J.D. was probably not for me, but he didn't know me.

And then when we got to know each other, he liked me maybe more than anybody liked me and he would stick up for me and he'd fight for the worker as much as I fight for the worker.

It was automatic chemistry, and I actually endorsed him in Ohio for the Senate, and he ended up winning against a very tough field, very tough field.

JD Vance quickly changed his tune on Trump for political expediency. Nothing more. A person doesn't dislike a person with as much disdain as he showed Trump, then in a flash, become his lap dog for a singular purpose.

If I'm Vance and I'm hearing something like, "he liked me more than anybody ever liked me," I would have gagged right there on camera.

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