July 9, 2024

Trump is expected to launch a new legal battle to suppress damaging evidence from his 2020 election-subversion case from becoming public before the election. He will try to shut down any “mini-trials” where high-profile officials could testify against him. Via the Guardian:

The plans come after the US Supreme Court last week in its ruling that broadly conferred immunity on former presidents opened the door for the US district judge Tanya Chutkan to hold evidentiary hearings – potentially with witnesses – to determine what acts in the indictment can survive.

In the coming months, Trump’s lawyers are expected to argue that the judge can decide whether the conduct is immune based on legal arguments alone, negating the need for witnesses or multiple evidentiary hearings, the people said.

If prosecutors with the special counsel Jack Smith press for witnesses such as former vice-president Mike Pence or White House officials to testify, Trump’s lawyers are expected to launch a flurry of executive privilege and other measures to block their appearances, the people said.

He's awfully nervous, isn't he?

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