August 30, 2024

An estimated 200,000 people per year have worked at McDonald's. But those ace reporters at the Free Beacon are trumpeting a "scoop" that McDonald's can't confirm Kamala Harris worked for them.

And what sent them chasing down this particular rabbit hole is that Harris didn't list the job on her post-college resume.

Say what?

As a former recruiter, I can tell you if I'd ever gotten a resume from a college graduate that listed a fast food job that wasn't in management and didn't last longer than a summer, I would have tossed it.

But these bozos will throw any kind of mud against the wall, hoping to come up with something that sticks.

Now, I wonder what they asked McDonald's to confirm. Did they have a location? Because if they did, that contradicts their claim that Harris never mentioned it in her books. And if they didn't, they were just trying to get Mickey D's to say they couldn't confirm it -- because if they're like most companies, they have a record destruction schedule and they don't save 30-year-old employee records.

Anyway, just more proof that MAGAts are stupid and DESPERATE.

And a-scared to death of Madame Vice President.

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