October 23, 2024

Fox and Friends co-host Brian came up with a weak sauce defense of Trump's love of Nazi generals by claiming it was US generals who were the deep state against him during his time in office.

The Fox and Friends co-host used a book by Lt. Gen. McMaster's, which was highly critical of Trump and who lasted about a year in the White House as his NSA.

Listen to this dribble.

KILMEADE: McMaster's book, who is critical of President Trump in some of it and not in others, he talks about how Mattis and Kelly didn't like the president, and they didn't think he deserved the job, or they didn't think he was worthy of the job, and they went out of his way to make sure a lot of the things they asked him to do that they didn't like never got done. McMaster would be frustrated, because he couldn't get their attention, and he would say, it's not your job to rein in the president. It's your job to do what the president wants.

Kilmeade's words are at odds with what McMaster said in his book. The former NSA wrote that Trump's White House was full of sycophants and described "meetings in the Oval Office as “exercises in competitive sycophancy” during which Trump’s advisers would flatter the president by saying stuff like, “Your instincts are always right” or, “No one has ever been treated so badly by the press.”

McMaster was done as NSA when he admitted, "the indictment of a group of Russian intelligence officers for their interference in the 2016 US presidential election was “incontrovertible” evidence of Russian meddling in that election."

But those words server no purpose to Brian's master. Kilmeade then ranted like only a good little MAGAt can. Lawrence Jones joined in the sycophancy.

KILMEADE: And then you factor in the fact that he runs his own company coming from the business world, the first one we've ever had. It's not even a public company. And then he obviously has frustration.

And I could absolutely see him going out. You know what?

It would be great to have German generals that actually do what we ask them to do, knowing that maybe not fully being cognizant of the third rail of German generals who are Nazis and whatever.

But he was frustrated with the slowdown of commands that the government implemented.

JONES: It wasn't just a slowdown, it was insubordination. And there is a culture within Washington, not just when it comes to the generals, who, by the way, should be fired after what happened in Afghanistan, is of insubordination in the sense that the bureaucrats run the government.

The founders did not design this country to be that way. Unelected people don't get to run the country, even if you have four stars behind your name.

And I think they were very frustrated that you had this outside guy that says, listen, I'm in charge now.

These creeps will defend the most despicable aspects of Trump's mind.

Mattis, Kelly, and McMaster's were brought on because Trump had no idea what he was doing when it came to national security, foreign policy and relations.

Trump values unquestioning loyalty to him personally above all else. Not to the US Constitution or the American people, just him. German generals would be executed if they showed any disloyalty or disagreement with to Hitler. Is that what Trump wanted?

Trump is ignorant of so much it's astounding.

All the military leaders in the Pentagon must be tried, convicted and hanged. Am I right, Mr. Jones?

Kilmeade and Jones forgot to mention Trump's love of Hitler.

Digby writes:

Ok, so he’s an uneducated cretin and became president without knowing who “the good guys” in World War I were. And we know he probably has never read a whole book in his life. But he grew up in the shadow of WWII and should have ar least seen a boatload of movies like “The Longest Day” or “The Desert Fox” where he would have heard of Rommel. Most people his age, especially men, were steeped in WWII lore and would have known the story of the assasination plot by Hitler’s Generals.

Did he just spend all of his time as a young person looking in the mirror and giving himself affirmations? WTF?

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