October 12, 2024

Hillary Clinton sounded upbeat about Kamala Harris’ chances of accomplishing what Clinton had hoped to do: becoming the first woman president. But she also had some advice for Harris.

CLINTON: I believe strongly that she has to be prepared for any last-minute October surprises that come from the Trump campaign, from their Russian support system that has now been called out numerous times by our own government, that they once again are trying to help Trump get elected.

Fortunately, Clinton said she has talked to Harris frequently and believes the vice president is “much more aware than we were back in 2016” about how important it is to combat “the kind of vicious, viral attacks and claims” that Trump and his allies spread on social media.

“She doesn't have a Jim Comey, thankfully, waiting in the wings, you know, a knee-capper,” Clinton continued, but Trump’s “Big Lie machine” plus artificial intelligence makes the underhanded tactics “much more sophisticated.”

“So, that's what I think she has to be really prepared for,” Clinton added. “And I believe her campaign is.”

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