October 28, 2024

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida called Generals Kelly and Milley "liars." Really.

Kelly and Milley have backed up their assertion that Trump is a threat to US democracy, by referencing their previous work in the Trump White House.

Rubio also claimed that these US generals are lying because they are looking to 'get a big payday.'

RUBIO: I look at the stuff about General Kelly that they, you know, the Democrats, like I remember Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker called them corrupt.

Pelosi launched an investigation into him. They said all kinds of horrible things about him when he worked for Donald Trump. So, how do you cleanse yourself of that and allow yourself to become employable and viable in the business world after you leave government service?

You have to become anti-Trump. So there's a financial incentive here for these people when they come out and say these things.

I was no fan of right-wing General Kelly, but when a military leader and Trump's Chief of Staff calls him a fascist, that's news. Gen. Kelly is 74 years old and is not facing bankruptcy like Rudy Giuliani. He has a 45-year pension to fall back on, so he doesn't need the money, lil Marco, like you do.

The last point that I want to make about this is how interesting that these claims that were made this week pop up with a week and a half to go before the election.

If you in fact believed, as some of these people claim, that Donald Trump is all these horrible things, Nazi, fascist, all these crazy terms they throw around, why didn't you stand up and walk out of that White House or that administration the moment you heard those terms?

Why didn't you say that at the time and not wait till after the fact?

Those are questions that are never going to get asked because this is entirely a political hit job where these people are trying to elevate themselves to become more employable and be able to make more money.

Rubio is calling Kelly and Milley grifters and hustlers looking for a payday. Sounds like he's describing Trump.

BREAM: Do you think people like General Milley, like John Kelly, are lying?

RUBIO: Yes, I do.

But even if they aren't lying or even let's say you don't want to call them a liar, I would say it's very dubious to see these accusations coming at the very last minute right before an election.

These are the kinds of things, you know, somebody says that in front of me, I say it right away, I walk out, I resign, I leave, they didn't do any of those things.

If they aren't lying, then they are telling the truth. The truth is Trump is running as a fascist leader.

Either way, they have every right to speak out whenever they choose and not at your pleasure, you lying prick. Rubio celebrated Giuliani's hatchet job on Hunter Biden's laptop that he held on to for months and saved at the last minute.

In his diatribe Against the two US generals, Sen. Rubio bashed them for not quitting immediately upon learning about Trump's fascist ideology. He seems to forget that he himself called Trump a nefarious con man and a danger to US democracy. I guess when he does it it's okay.

Why didn't Sen. Marco Rubio quit the Republican party after he released these scathing remarks about Trump?

Believe me — I really never expected to be talking about spray tans while running for President.

But there is a much, much more important issue at hand here: Donald Trump is a serious threat to the future of our party, and our country.

I, like you probably, hoped and believed that our fellow Americans would see his cons for what they are, that slogans, celebrity, and tough-talking insults are not enough.

But here's the truth: Americans are scared and angry. And in far too many cases, Donald Trump has been preying on their fears and their insecurities, successfully. This is no joke. It's time to fight back, because we've seen a scary side of Donald Trump. It isn't just the opposite of what the Republican Party stands for, it's the opposite of what America stands for.

In just the last few days, Trump has refused to condemn white supremacism and the Ku Klux Klan, praised dictators Saddam Hussein and Moammar Qaddafi, and proposed infringing upon the First Amendment of our Constitution. That's all after he made fun of disabled people, said China was too soft on dissidents, demeaned women, and insulted war heroes.

Sen. Rubio is now a paid hack, shilling for a man he once deemed dangerous to the US Constitution.

As Donnie Osmond sang, "Go away, little Marco."

Lil' Marco deems that If you criticized Trump after working in his administration, you are a liar.

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