October 15, 2024

I was talking to a friend about this last night. This is what voters are freaking out about:

That's it, that tiny blue sliver. Those are the "hordes" who are "flooding our country" and keeping the people of Iowa up at night, I guess worrying about the Canadians.

And we need those immigrants! They build the houses, they take care of our sick and elderly, they pick our food.

Do these people never think even one minute past Trump's lurid fantasies of locking them up and deporting millions?

The anti-immigrant panic is continuing proof of the power of repetition. Trump and his media enablers repeated it over and over again until half of our country believed it. And turning on outsiders is not even new!

It was so bad in 1945, they made this short film in 1945 to combat rising anti-Semitism after the war.

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