October 4, 2024

This....has been A LONG TIME coming. One of the most divisive right-wing mouth breathers ever allowed on air seems to have finally hit a breaking point, as lawsuits by parents who lost their little children in the Sandy Hook massacre targeted bulbous rage-aholic ape, Alex Jones, a jackwad who in their grief defamed them by saying Sandy Hook was a hoax and they were just acting.

Never has a shittier person walked this Earth, and Jones is finally paying the price for it..,melting down into what one might call a portly orb of fury, piss & tears as his assets are liquidated to pay the judgments against him in lawsuits. This whiny scum rod, with zero compassion for those he's emotionally tortured, seems to want us to have sympathy for him.

But we're fresh out. May he suffer 1000x the emotional pain he caused the Sandy Hook parents. In that vein, Hal Sparks and Cliff Schecter have fun at the expense at this walking boulder of elephant dung.

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