October 26, 2008 MSNBC
Elisabeth Hasselbeck of “The View,” the ABC talk show, introduced Sarah Palin Sunday, “If I may say so, the view from up here is looking pretty good Tampa, Florida,” said Hasselbeck, considered the conservative voice on the women-centered talk show, referring to the cheering crowd.
She said she wanted to clarify a few things about Palin, including the “accessories” Palin wears, including a flag pin she wears. “And did I mention that this woman has a real knack for cleaning? She cleaned up house in Alaska. All that corruption—it went out with the trash,” Hasselbeck said. And the same mop will be used by Palin to clean up Washington and Wall Street, she said.
UPDATE: John Amato
I think they are going completely off message here. They should have let the "clothing issue" die down, but now they put it back out in the spotlight where it only hurts McCain because now the media will focus all day covering it instead of trying to get McCain's message out in the remaining few days that are left in the campaign.